did you know?
orionhigh.com is home of the world’s original low-caps site

orionhighâ„¢ clothes and apparel have come along away.
we label our clothing & apparel as “cruise gear”, the chilled out state of watching life pass by and being part of it all. “crossing the mainstream” of the latest-phatest-largest pollutants and resulting far away from this clutter, a simple design to remind us that we are all star dust.

we receive many inquiries regarding the origin of the orionhighâ„¢ name

here are some samples of the letters we’ve received:

giovanni from italy writes
…you’re name is cool because i love the constellation of orion, those three stars are a type of guide to me ever since i was young…

ziad from lebanon says
…site is the coolest, your names kick*** and i just wanna say there is nothing quite like orionhigh, symbolizes the world to me…

joshua from new york insists
…orionhigh is the total harmony between one’s self and the universe, the sense of unity reaches completion…

tell us what it means to you by contacting us.

in the end, all we have to say is “to each his own”.